Overview: This page lists all the tags used by the Content Management System.


Tag format: or |.tagname:LLLLLLLL.| where LLLLLLLL is a parameter which is used to control how the tag behaves.
There are five contexts in which tags can occur Note: in the examples below the angle brackets (e.g., <) are replaced by curly brackets (e.g., {) to prevent the web browser hiding the tags.
Context Name Function
All Year Replaced with current 4 digit year (e.g., 1999)
CC SC_TOP2CAT Summary of top two levels of Categories in the site's catalog.
Each category name is displayed as a link to that category's category display page.
Categories are arranged families
Top Category   2nd Top Category
child category  child category
child category
child category
Each family is enclosed in DIV tag with style of top2cat.
CT mtitle Replaced with either the meta title specified for that page, or it there is none, then the page title. Normally used between {title} and {/title} tags in the head section of the page.
CT mkeywords {Opt.} Replaced with the .meta keywords. tag if a meta keywords are defined for the page. Used in the head section of the page (e.g.,
{META NAME='keywords' CONTENT='Fast Connection Options'}  ).
CT mdescription

{Opt.} Replaced with the .meta description.tag if a meta description is defined for the page. Used in the head section of the page. (e.g.,
{META NAME='Description' CONTENT='The fastest ways to connect to the Internet are described.}).

CT, CSP TOC Replaced with the program generated entries showing the pages of the site. The rows are listed in the display order specified in the database. Secondary pages are listed only when they are in focus (i.e., their parent page is the focus or one of the pages with the same parent is in focus). See Main TOC and Sec. TOC for details on how the lines are listed. Must be inside either table or unordered list. Note: when used on CSP, it displays only the top level pages for the content section with a blank section name. Normally if you use sections, its assumed you will use fixed menu with the section's hard coded.
If the secondary TOC begins with {li it will automatically start and stop the unordered list to contain these entries. Class secTOC assigned to this UL.
CT,CSP TOC:sectionName As TOC above but for the named section. Does not display the section name.
CT, CSP dropMenu:sectionName generate horizontal drop down menu based on visible pages in named section.  It requires {script type="text/javascript" src="/dropDownMenu.js"}{/script is installed in the head section of the template.  The template needs to reference the equivalent of the styles shown here.  The dropDownMenu.js contents (i.e., this) needs to be installed in the site's document root).  The following classes: dropDownMenu, dropDownMenulink.  id='Name' is also used.  The menu is built using two levels of unordered lists.  If Javascript is suppressed the top level links will still work, but there will be no drop down.  The sample style shows the use of background images.
CT dropMenu as above but uses current section.  Will not work if not in a section.
CS, CT StaticURL Displays to contents of Static URL (note: if not marked as static this field is ignored so it can be any text string including embedded HTML but no quotes).
CT,CSP section Displays the current Section Name
CT,CSP btitle Replaced with the page (i.e., body) title. (vs. mtitle) This is the same information that is used in the TOC tag.
CT sdesc Replaced with the page short description
CT content Replaced with the content for the page. Content may contain |.pContent:#.| and |.fContent:#.| tags (see below) to allow inclusion of common content on a page specific basis.
CT IMGA, IMGA:L, IMGA:R, IMGA:C If Side Graphic is present inserts that image. :L, :R, :C variants set alignment to left, right, and center respectively. May be used in either pContent or Content area, but will always pull the graphic from the current page, not the page referenced in the pContent tag.
CT columnHere {obsolete}Replaced with the program generated side column information, if there is any. If this tag is used as the only component of the column, do not specify a fixed width for the column since it may be empty. If present the checks to see if the page has defined content for this column. If there is content the page uses the following template to define the contents which are substituted for this tag.
  • The exact content is controlled by the page being built. Please note that the part of it will repeat for each page cross referenced by the page the system is displaying. Specifically the Title, Image A, and Short Description may or may not be present for any given entry. If the Link option is selected then the Title and Image A will be link to the referenced page. Also, the some of the alternative styles may be called out.
  • Assuming a single page is referred to in the side table and the alternative style is selected for it the following will be generated.
    {tr class='colStyle'}
    {td align='center'}{big}Column Title{/big}{/td}
    {tr class='colStyle'}
    {td valign="top" align='center'}
    {table class='Altstyle'}
    {td valign="top"}{table class='altColStyleT1' width='100%'}
    {td}{table class='altColStyleT2' width='100%'}
    {td align='center'}{img src="pageA.s image A"}{/td}
    {td}{a href=...}Page A Title{/a}{br}Page A.s Short Description{/td}
  • Using the example there are three major components: the title and two cross referenced pages. In both cases the graphic A, Page Title and Short Description The cream color background is set by the .colstyle class. The title (.Important Links.) is set by .colstyle big class. This allows the white on grey colors and a 2 pixel top margin. The information about the first page (.Test Simple Page.) uses the normal column classes. So colstyleT1 class sets an 8 pixel wide blue groove border. Because no background is specified, the cream background comes through. The inner table contains the Image, and white text on a grey background and is controlled by classes: colstyleT2 and the inherited .colstyle img. The title and short descriptions are not linked to the referenced page because that was not specified. The information about the second page is highlighted by using the alternate style classes: .altColStyle, .altColStyle img, .altColStyleT1, .altColStyleT2, and altColStyleT2 A. The second page title and short description are linked to the referenced page because that was what was requested. This page.s display uses two grooved borders for emphasis. The second example uses a slightly simplified style (i.e., the 4 pixel blue groove border is removed from altColStyleT1, the title font is enlarged, and the background of .colstyle class is set to white to match the rest of the page.
 CT catalog
Replaced with a hyper-link link to the catalog listing program around the word Catalog
CT capimage Replaced by a 'capimage' graphic (i.e., a graphic containing letters and numbers which should be easy for a person to read and hard for an automated system to figure out) and supporting hidden variable. Used in conjunction with sf1Cap.pl (vs. sf1.pl).
Note: requires special site configuration.
CT subPage On top level pages only, replaced by a series of table rows listing links to the subordinate pages under the current page.
CT rotator:DDD:Dir:Time:TN

Build a series of rotating images which are the images which are contained in the folder "Dir".  Times specifies the delay in 1/1000s of a second before an image is replaced by the next image.  DDD is the direction (i..e., Left, Right) indicating the side of the text on which the image will appear.  The optional, trailing":TN" indicates that thumbnail images rather than full size images will be used (assumes that the folder is a "gallery" so that these thumbnails will have been created). Note: the directory is the actual directory name as is displayed in the drop down list and Manage Media pages.
 Warnings: the images must be exactly the same size.  If both the width and height are not identical the text around the image will jump as the various images of different size are displayed.  If the |.RHeader.| tag is not present or java script is turned off only the first image will display.

CS RHeader

replaced with the java script code needed to support the "rotator" tag.

CS popup
Uses only the style sheet from the standard template, thus producing a page w/o any of the normal formatting (e.g., table of contents, side columns). Useful to generate a popup page which another page in the system will call. Normally this page is hidden so it will not show up in any index. These pages can contain |.pContent:#.| and |.fContent:#.| tags.
CS gallery:LLLL:w:h Display a table with a width of w and a height of h thumbnails. LLLL is is the name of the media folder which contains the gallery.  
CS galpages If the number of thumbnails exceeds the size specified in the gallery tag then this tag will be replaced by links to the pages. For example if there are 15 thumbnails in a media folder and the gallery is set for two columns and three rows (6 images) then galpages will be replaced by « • 1 • 2 • 3 • ».  The entire structure is inside div tag id: galPages. 
CS passBack:LLLL Used in together with an external program which processes the form contained on the page.  Used to return the value of parameter "LLLL" to a form.  e.g., input type="text" name="in1" value="|.passBack:in1.|"  May be used in more than one input statement.  Multiple "passBack"s referring to different parameters are also allowed.
Warning: LLLL can only contain letters and numbers, no spaces or other special characters.  The value passed back is not limited, but it is escaped.
CS ErrorMessage Display an error message passed back in the URI encoded parameter ErrorMessage.  Single ErrorMessage per page. Program replaces this tag with a division with an ID of ErrorMessage  Error message can contain: all letters and numbers  plus the following special characters: @  < > [ ] . , ( ) ! $ that is the at sign, less than, greater than open/close square brackets, period, comma, parentheses, exclamation point and the dollar sign.
Warning: Only the first "ErrorMessage" value is used, although it can contain multiple lines as the Break tag can be passed in.
CS rtnTarget:Get
Get version is replaced by the value in a form suitable for inclusion inside of a link (e.g., specialProgram.pl?rtnTarget=|.rtnTarget:Get.|
Post version is replaced by a Input type = hidden statement suitable for inclusion of a Post form.  These tags are translated before |.f:... tags so they can be included inside of them.
Warning: Only the first "rtnTarget" value is used for all forms on the page.
CT,CSP SC_SEARCHTAG Display product search box with links to built in search system. Site specific search can be configured.

Add function to display link to view cart contents (if there is a cart ID),a program to display the cart and the tag. In CT context suppressed if the cookie with CartID is absent. Link uses graphic '/std-img/shopcart.gif'.

CT,CSP SC_SIDECATLIST If catalog exists displays complete list of all non-hidden categories in the catalog as {table class=sideCatlist} with spacer graphic to cause indenting for each level.
CT,CSP SC_TCATLIST If catalog exists displays list of top level categories in product tables as {table class='TCatlist'} with one row per category.
CT,CSP: doscartDisQ.pl, csb3.pl csb4.pl pContent:# Added Content, if present replace with Content section only, where Page ID = #. Useful to put terms and conditions or notes that must appear on the shopping cart page. Similar tag exists for the check out page.
Note: for CT only, multiple pContent: tags can be used. Useful either for common, but changeable boiler plate or to add second content section to a page.
Remember to hide the page which will be providing the content. For CT: can appear in both templates (to provide common, changeable function to all pages using a specific template) and primary page's content area (e.g., to include a form by imbedding HTML type page content inside a normally formatted page).
Note: for Catalog section it is suppressed except for shopping cart  and buy pages (e.g, doscartQ.pl and csb4.pl).
CT fContent:# Requires special configuration: As pContent:# above except it references the page content in a foreign linked site. Any graphics or links will be to the site associated with the linked site. The linked content can contain |.pContent:#.| tags, but these will refer to pages on the linked site not the originating site.
CSP SC_PAGETITLE Title of the page.
  • On Category pages: The Category Name in capitals
  • On page listing all categories: 'Category Listing'
    Note: if you want to over-ride this, put in a parent category and list all other categories under it. or use Category Short Description as instead i.e., CatSDesc
  • On Shopping Cart Page: 'Shopping Cart'
CSP SC_CONTENT The program generated part of the page, i.e., the shopping cart contents, the listing of categories under the current category (see CS_CATBODY), the listing of products under the current category.
CSP SC_CATBODY If tag is present, then list of categories under current category is placed in a separate section within class='catbody' where this tag occurs. Otherwise, the categories are listed just before the products (if any) are listed. Note: if listed together, the products and categories are listed in separate tables IAW contents of CatLine and ProdLine fields in the database.
CSP SC_PAGELIST List product pages with arrows as appropriate it there are too many products to fit on one page (Note: if column format is selected for product listings then there is no maximum number of products on a single page.
CSP SC_CHECKOUT Image link to secure buy program or shopping cart if shipping location is not yet defined and one is required.
CSP SC_CAT NAME Name of the current category on Category Product pages suppressed otherwise (i.e., on page where there is not specific category,  this tag is replaced by and empty string)
CSP IMGA, IMGB (Meaningful in catprodand proddisp programs only)  Contents of CatSpare1 and CatSpare2 respectively for current/parent category (note: Catline information below refers to categories directly under the category current). Variants have ':L', ':R', or ':C' appended which cause image tags to align Left, Right and Center respectively.
Note: if these fields are not configured as graphics only IMGA and IMGB variants will have values and they will be treated as text strings.
Note: special versions of catprodC.pl and proddisp.pl exist which do NOT generate the tags. 
CSP CSDESC (Meaningful in catprodand proddisp programs only) Contents of Category in focus' short description.
CSP CLDESC (Meaningful in catprod and proddisp programs only) Contents of Category in focus' long description. 

In product page template: this tag indicates where the product lines will appear, i.e., current product or current product and its children.
In catprodC.plx : if this tag (opt. tag) is present it indicates where the product lines will appear.

proddisp.plx ProdList In product page template. This tag generates a billeted list of the other products under this category each as links, i.e., current product's peers under the same category.
proddisp.plx CProdList In product page template. This tag generates a peer product list but under a link to the parent Category.


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Category Line tags

Replaced by fill gif with width equal to 5 times the level of the category under the present category.
CatLine CATID Replaced by the current category ID
CatLine Public Names of Category Fields e.g.,Name not CatName The contents of the corresponding field unless the field type is graphic. If graphic then inserted with as an image tag. If form is followed by ':L' where L is R,L,C then image tag has alignment set to right, left or center respectively.  See the Category Management Page for the names that are active on your site.
CatLine CCatProdProg Complete address of program used to display categories and products under a given category. For example:
{a href="?catid=&client="}{/a} Would use the image as a hyper-link to the category display page
CatLine SC_CatEmpty Replaced with text: There are no items in this category if there are in fact, no categories or products under the category.

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Secure Buy Program Tags
(works with versions of program in 1st column or later)


csb4.pl SC_BILLING

Section which will ask for billing information

csb4.pl SC_SELSHIP Where you want the shipment method to be determined.
csb4.pl SC_SIGNIN (opt.) If site has visitors table, this is where they will be offered a chance to sign in.
csb4.pl SC_JOIN (opt.) If site has visitors table, this is where they will be offered a chance to join.
csb4.pl SC_SHIPPING Section which will ask for shipping information
csb4.pl SC_PAYMENT Section which will ask for payment information (e.g., credit card number, name on card etc.
csb4.pl SC_SUBMIT Where you want the purchase button to occur. Actual text in button changes depending on what information is already submitted.
csb4.pl SC_SHOPCART Contents of the shopping cart will fully extended pricing. Need not be within the form tags
cdb4.pl SC_HIDDEN Where in the page you want the various hidden variables to occur. Must be within the form tags.
csb4.pl SC_ERRORS Replaced with unorder list of errors if any are present. Need not be within the form tags.
csb4.pl pcontent:# If present replace with PCContent where PCCPID = # Useful to put terms and conditions or notes that must appear on the purchase page. Unlike content pages, the content called out by this tag should not include any other tags. Need not be within the form tags.
csb4.pl SC_BUYPROG Used in form tag to call out the configuration defined secure buy program.   Use to avoid changing the actual program name in the secure buy program in the page template .  Use of this tag in the Product Line Template as well as in the secure buy page template ensures that if the buy program name is changed, it will be changed everywhere.
csb4.pl sslCert Replaced with the Java script call to get the Logo certifying that this site is secured. Note: This tag can occur within the pContent element In case you want to explain why it refers to CyberStrategies, Inc. rather than your company.  
csb4.pl SC_EXTRA Collects any extra information you want. It is replaced with a table. The format is two columns with the field name in 1st column and values in 2nd column. System looks for special HTML comment which lists the Field Names in order to build this table. For example:
would result in a text area with the label: 'Gift Card' and a text box with the label: 'Special Delivery Instructions' being requested and if information is provided, displayed as part of the billing, shipping and packing information. The system replaces the '_' with a space when requesting input. If the shipping system uses a template the tag must be present and will be replaced with a simple table containing the information the system collected. (See here for more detail.  )


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The following requires use of https://secure2.csz.com/cgi-bin/cNc/thanks.plx?db=&oid= as Called after buy entry as well as the order tracking program.

CL1 Preptime Time shipment was prepared. (Since we don't know when you actually dropped the package off at the shipper)
CL1, TY, OT OrderDate Date of Order
CL1, TY OIPOC Order Point of Contact
CL1, TY SIPOC Shipment Point of Contact
TY OEmail Reference Email
CL1, TY BillingAddress Address used for billing
CL1, TY ShippingAddress Address used for shipping
CL1, TY OOID Order Number
TY OrderCode Special code used with email to track status of order.
CL1, TY SINum Shipment Number (always 1)
CL1 ShippingGraphic {opt} If direct shipping implemented, this is the graphic which the shipper (e.g., FedEx) returns to be applied to shipping document.)
CL1, TY ShipMethod Selected Shipping Method
CL1, TY SIShipCost Shipping Cost (for TY as billed, for CL1 as shipper determined)
CL1, TY SITax Tax charged on shipment
CL1 TrackingNumber Shipment Tracking Number, either provided by shipper or manually entered.
CL1, TY SITotSum Summary of what is being shipped in table form
CL1 Text:# Content inserted from hidden page #'s content section. May have multiple instances.)
TY, OT pcontent:# Content inserted from hidden page #'s content section. Unlike other sections, may contain any other tags which can be used in TY or OT (except of course pContent)
CL1, TY SIPhone Phone Number>
CL1, TY SIWeight Weight of shipment (in TY this is the system generated weight which probably does not match the real weight).>
CL1, TY SICost Cost of shipment before tax, shipment etc.
CL1, TY SITotal Total cost of shipment
CL1, TY SITax Tax on shipment
CL1, TY OIPhone Order POC phone number
CL1, TY OIShipCost Cost before taxes, shipments, etc. of order
CL1, TY OITotal Total Cost of Order
CL1, TY OITotSum Summary of order costs as a table
CL1,OT SplitShipmentNote:# If there are more than one shipments in this order then the contents of the corresponding page replace this tag. Note: not enabled in default template since the value of # is undefined.
CL1 OExtras If order form (csb3.pl or later) saved off extra information, it is displayed in a table in two columns: entry title and value.
OT Message Either initial welcome "Please enter your email address and order code" or an error message.
OT Question form containing input boxes for email address and order code
OT Status

replaced by order # followed by tables with each of the shipments within the order and their status. If tracking numbers are present the shipping method and tracking number will be displayed.

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